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The $binary endpoint enables you to save the BLOB data as a document. When making a request with $binary=true, the BLOB data will be saved to disk. This is particularly useful for handling files such as images, PDFs, and other binary data.


To use $binary, you must also include the $expand parameter with the name of the BLOB attribute.


GET /rest/{{dataClass}}(id)/{{blobAttributeName}}?$binary=true&$expand={{blobAttributeName}}

When the request is made, the user will be prompted to choose a location on their disk to save the BLOB data.


If viewed in a text editor or console, the response may appear as a long string of characters representing the binary data.

Mandatory Use of $expand

The $expand parameter is mandatory when using $binary=true. This ensures that the BLOB data is correctly expanded and retrieved from the specified attribute.

Combining with Other Parameters

While $binary=true is primarily used for saving BLOB data, it can be combined with other parameters to refine the request:

  • $filter: Ensure that the BLOB data is retrieved from a filtered set of records.

  • $orderby: Retrieve and save BLOB data from a sorted set of records.

Use Cases

Saving an Image BLOB


To save an image BLOB from the profilePicture attribute of the User dataclass with ID 5:

GET /rest/User(5)/profilePicture?$binary=true&$expand=profilePicture

Saving a PDF BLOB


To save a PDF BLOB from the contract attribute of the Documents dataclass with ID 42:

GET /rest/Documents(42)/contract?$binary=true&$expand=contract

Best Practices

  • Always Include $expand: Ensure that the $expand parameter is included with the BLOB attribute name to retrieve the correct data.

  • Handle Errors Gracefully: Implement proper error handling to manage cases where the BLOB data cannot be retrieved or saved.

  • Specify Only Necessary Data: Limit the request to only the necessary BLOB data to optimize performance and reduce payload size.