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The $imageformat endpoint allows you to specify the format in which images should be retrieved. You can choose from a variety of supported formats, including common image formats like PNG, JPEG, GIF, and TIFF. The format can be specified using either the file extension, MIME type, or OS type (Mac).


To use the $imageformat parameter, append it to your GET request:

GET /rest/{{dataClass}}({{id}})/{{imageAttribute}}?$imageformat={{format}}&$expand={{imageAttribute}}

Supported Formats

The following formats are supported by the $imageformat parameter:

"best"Best format based on the image
".gif" or "image/gif"GIF format
".png" or "image/png"PNG format
".jpeg" or "image/jpeg"JPEG format
".tiff" or "image/tiff"TIFF format

Additional Parameters

  • $version: Optionally specify the version of the image to retrieve.

Detailed Behavior

Using the best Format

When using $imageformat=best, the server determines the optimal format for the image. This ensures the highest quality and compatibility based on the image's properties.

Using Specific Formats

You can specify a particular image format by using one of the supported formats (e.g., .gif, .png, .jpeg, .tiff). The response will include the image in the specified format.


If the format is not supported or the image cannot be retrieved, an empty object {} will be returned.

Combining with $expand

The $expand parameter must be used in conjunction with $imageformat to fully load and retrieve the image attribute. Without $expand, the image attribute will not be expanded and the full image data will not be included in the response.

Combining with Other Parameters

The $imageformat parameter can be combined with other parameters to customize the retrieval and presentation of image data:

  • $filter: Apply filters to the data before retrieving images in the specified format.

  • $orderby: Sort the data before retrieving images in the specified format.

  • $top/$limit and $skip: Limit the number of records and skip a certain number of records before retrieving images.

  • $expand: Include related data in the image retrieval response.

  • $attributes: Specify which attributes to include in the response along with the formatted image.

  • $version: Ensure the correct version of the image is retrieved by specifying the image version number.

  • $compute: Perform calculations on related data before retrieving images in the specified format.

  • $distinct: Retrieve distinct values related to the image data and format the image response accordingly.

  • $method=entityset: Create an entity set and retrieve images in the specified format based on the entity set.

Use Cases

Retrieving an Image in JPEG Format

To retrieve an image in JPEG format, regardless of the actual type of the photo:


GET /rest/Employee(1)/photo?$imageformat=.jpeg&$version=3&$expand=photo


The image will be returned in JPEG format. If the image cannot be loaded or the format is incompatible, an empty object {} will be returned.

Retrieving an Image in PNG Format

To retrieve an image in PNG format:


GET /rest/Employee(1)/photo?$imageformat=.png&$expand=photo


The image will be returned in PNG format. If the image cannot be loaded or the format is incompatible, an empty object {} will be returned.

Retrieving the Best Format

To let the server decide the best format based on the image:


GET /rest/Employee(1)/photo?$imageformat=best&$expand=photo


The server will return the image in the best format based on the image characteristics. If the image cannot be loaded, an empty object {} will be returned.

Best Practices

  • Specify the Required Format: Always specify the $imageformat parameter to ensure the image is retrieved in the desired format.

  • Use best for Optimal Quality: When the highest quality is required, use $imageformat=best to let the server determine the optimal format.

  • Combine with $expand: Always use $expand with $imageformat to fully load the image attribute.

  • Handle Errors Gracefully: Implement proper error handling to manage cases where the image cannot be retrieved or the format is not supported.