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Gaining Insights into Server Cache


The $info endpoint offers comprehensive insights into the server's cache usage, active user sessions, and internal server metrics. This endpoint is instrumental for developers and administrators to monitor and manage the application's performance and data accessibility effectively.

Properties Returned

General Properties

The $info endpoint returns structured information as outlined in the following table:

cacheSizeNumberTotal allocated cache size in bytes.
usedCacheNumberAmount of cache currently used in bytes.
entitySetCountNumberNumber of entity selections currently stored.
entitySetArrayInformation on active entity selections stored within the server's cache.
ProgressInfoArrayOperational progress indicators that may impact server performance.
sessionInfoArrayData on active user sessions, including session duration and expiration.
memMetricsArrayDetailed memory usage statistics related to client and server processes.
privilegesObjectAn object with a "privileges" property (collection of objects). Each object of the collection has a "privilege" property with a privilege name of the user session as value.

entitySet Details

The entitySet provides detailed information about each entity set stored in the cache:

idStringUnique identifier for the entity set.
dataClassStringName of the dataclass associated with the entity set.
selectionSizeNumberNumber of entities within the set.
sortedBooleanIndicates if the set is sorted.
refreshedDateTimestamp when the entity set was last accessed or refreshed.
expiresDateExpiry timestamp after which the entity set may be cleared from cache.

Additionally, for creating or releasing an entity set from the cache:

  • Creating an Entity Set: Use $method=entityset to initiate a new entity selection within the cache, specifying the desired parameters for entity retrieval.

  • Releasing an Entity Set: To remove an entity set from the cache, employ $method=release, ensuring the specific set is targeted for clearance.


The server automatically generates certain entity selections for internal optimizations. Therefore, the entity sets you manually create are part of a broader collection managed by the system.

ProgressInfo Details

The ProgressInfo provides information about ongoing operations that may affect server performance:

UserInfoStringIdentifier for the type of progress (e.g., index or flush).
SessionCountNumberNumber of sessions affected by this operation.
TitleStringTitle or name of the operation, if applicable.
CanInterruptBooleanIndicates whether the operation can be interrupted.

sessionInfo Details

The sessionInfo details each active user session to help monitor access and system usage:

sessionIDStringUnique identifier for the user session.
lifeTimeNumberDuration the session is set to remain active, in seconds.
expirationDateTimestamp when the session is scheduled to expire.

memMetrics Details

The memMetrics provides a detailed breakdown of memory usage across different server processes, particularly focusing on client interactions and REST API handlers:

clientsObjectAn object that currently has no data (empty). Future implementations may populate this with client-specific memory usage data.
processesObjectMemory usage broken down by server processes such as the Client Manager and REST Handler.
methodsObjectMemory usage associated with internal methods.
totalObjectCumulative memory metrics across all processes and methods.

Example Context: Client Manager and REST Handler

In the processes section, memory usage is detailed for key server components like the Client Manager and the REST Handler:

  • Client Manager: Manages client connections and data transactions.

    • methods: Details internal methods and their memory usage.
    • total: Aggregates the memory usage for the entire process.
  • REST Handler: Manages REST API requests and responses.

    • methods: Specific to handling REST requests, including caching and entity management.
    • total: Summarizes memory usage directly attributed to REST operations.

Sample Usage Example in Postman

How to Use:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{ApiEndpoint}}/rest/$info

The response structure for the $info endpoint looks something like this in practice:

"cacheSize": 209715200,
"usedCache": 328760,
"entitySetCount": 1,
"entitySet": [
"id": "9BCEC36AD6ED4104BE817C47C360AB0D",
"dataClass": "Users",
"selectionSize": 10,
"sorted": false,
"refreshed": "2024-05-12T00:21:38.575Z",
"expires": "2024-05-12T02:21:38.575Z"
"ProgressInfo": [
"UserInfo": "flushProgressIndicator",
"SessionCount": 0,
"Title": "",
"CanInterrupt": false
"UserInfo": "indexProgressIndicator",
"SessionCount": 0,
"Title": "",
"CanInterrupt": true
"sessionInfo": [
"sessionID": "00130D6E779E4681873A8B46B694C2DD",
"lifeTime": 60,
"expiration": "2024-05-12T01:03:34.942Z"
"sessionID": "0024480DF07143F995C445C20470E901",
"lifeTime": 60,
"expiration": "2024-05-12T00:53:48.042Z"
"HTTPConnections": [],
"privileges": [
"privilege": "guest"
"memMetrics": [
"clients": {},
"processes": {
"Client Manager": {
"methods": {
"[internal]": {
"entities": 0,
"entitySelections": 0,
"records": 0,
"selections": 0,
"bittables": 8
"total": {
"entities": 0,
"entitySelections": 0,
"records": 0,
"selections": 0,
"bittables": 8
"REST Handler: ": {
"methods": {
"[internal]": {
"entities": 0,
"entitySelections": 1,
"records": 0,
"selections": 1,
"bittables": 1
"total": {
"entities": 0,
"entitySelections": 1,
"records": 0,
"selections": 1,
"bittables": 1
"methods": {
"[internal]": {
"entities": 0,
"entitySelections": 0,
"records": 0,
"selections": 0,
"bittables": 8
"total": {
"entities": 0,
"entitySelections": 1,
"records": 0,
"selections": 1,
"bittables": 9