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The $lock endpoint allows you to lock and unlock an entity using a pessimistic locking mechanism. This ensures that the entity cannot be modified by other sessions while it is locked.


Locks triggered by the REST API are applied at the session level.

Locking an Entity

To lock an entity for other sessions, use the following syntax:

GET /rest/{{dataClass}}({{id}})?$lock=true

Unlocking an Entity

To unlock an entity for other sessions, use the following syntax:

GET /rest/{{dataClass}}({{id}})?$lock=false

A ?$lock request returns a JSON object with a "result" field indicating the success of the lock operation. The __STATUS object provides additional details.

Locking Mechanics

When an entity is locked, the following actions are not possible for other sessions:

  • Locking
  • Unlocking
  • Updating
  • Deleting

An entity locked by the REST API can only be unlocked by:

  • The same session that locked it, using ?$lock=false
  • Reaching the session's inactivity timeout, which closes the session

Error Codes

The following error codes and messages may be returned in the __STATUS object in case of an error:

2"Stamp has changed"The internal stamp value of the entity does not match the stored entity.
3"Already locked"The entity is already locked by a pessimistic lock.
4"Other error"A serious error, such as a low-level database error or a hardware error.
5"Entity does not exist"The entity no longer exists in the database.

Lock Information

The __STATUS object may include additional properties providing information about the lock:

Common Properties

successbooleantrue if the lock action is successful, otherwise false.
statusnumberError code (available only in case of error).
statusTexttextDescription of the error (available only in case of error).
lockKindnumberLock code.
lockKindTexttextDescription of the lock type ("Locked by session" or "Locked by record").
lockInfoobjectInformation about the lock origin.

REST Session Lock Properties

hosttextURL that locked the entity.
IPAddrtextIP address of the locker.
recordNumbernumberRecord number of the locked record.
userAgenttextUser agent of the locker.

Combining with Other Parameters

The $lock parameter can be combined with other parameters to control and manage entity locking effectively:

  • $filter: Apply filters to select specific entities before locking them.

  • $expand: Include related data in the response when locking an entity.

  • $attributes: Specify which attributes to include in the response when an entity is locked.

  • $version: Ensure the correct version of the entity is locked by specifying the version number.

  • $top/$limit and $skip: Limit the number of entities and skip a certain number of entities before locking.

  • $method=entityset: Create an entity set and lock the entities within that set.

  • $compute: Perform calculations on related data before locking entities based on the computed results.

  • $orderby: Sort entities before applying the lock to ensure specific ordering criteria.

Use Cases

Locking an Entity

Lock an entity in a first browser session:


GET /rest/Customers(1)?$lock=true


"result": true,
"__STATUS": {
"success": true

Attempting to Lock an Already Locked Entity

Attempt to lock the same entity in a second browser session:


GET /rest/Customers(1)?$lock=true


"result": false,
"__STATUS": {
"status": 3,
"statusText": "Already locked",
"lockKind": 7,
"lockKindText": "Locked by session",
"lockInfo": {
"host": "",
"IPAddr": "",
"recordNumber": 7,
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36..."

Unlocking an Entity

Unlock the entity in the same session that locked it:


GET /rest/Customers(1)?$lock=false


"result": true,
"__STATUS": {
"success": true

Best Practices

  • Lock Only When Necessary: Use locking sparingly to avoid performance bottlenecks and ensure that entities are available for other sessions.

  • Monitor Lock Status: Regularly check the lock status and handle errors gracefully to maintain smooth application performance.

  • Session Management: Ensure proper session management to avoid unintended locking due to session timeouts.