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The $queryplan endpoint is designed to provide insights into the execution strategy of queries processed by the server. This endpoint helps developers and database administrators to analyze and optimize query performance by returning a detailed breakdown of the query execution plan.


For additional information, please consult the "About queryPlan and queryPath" documentation.


To use the $queryplan parameter, use the following syntax:

GET /rest/{{dataClass}}/?$queryplan=true

Properties Returned

General Properties

The $queryplan endpoint returns structured information as outlined in the following table:

__queryPlanObjectSimplified overview of the query execution plan.
__extendedQueryPlanObjectDetailed structured representation of the query execution plan.
__DATACLASSStringSpecifies the data class targeted by the query.
__entityModelStringSpecifies the entity model used in the query.
__GlobalStampIntegerServer-wide modification timestamp.
__COUNTIntegerNumber of entities affected by the query.
__FIRSTIntegerIndex of the first entity in the query results.
__ENTITIESArrayDetailed data about the entities affected by the query.

__queryPlan Details

This section simplifies the query execution paths:

AndArrayArray of conditions combined with a logical AND operator.

Within And Array

Details of conditions and subqueries:

itemStringDescription of the query condition or join operation.
subqueryArrayDetails of any subqueries related to the condition.

__extendedQueryPlan Details

Provides a more intricate view of the query execution strategy:

typeStringType of node in the query plan, e.g., LogicOperatorNode.
logicOperStringLogical operator used, e.g., And.
partsArrayDetails of operations performed in the query plan.

Within parts Array

Complex operations within the query:

typeStringSpecific type of operation, e.g., JoinNode.
targetTableStringTarget table for the operation.
joinPathArrayDetails of the join path used in the operation.
filterObjectFilter conditions applied within the operation.

__ENTITIES Details

Information about the entities affected by the query:

__KEYStringUnique key for the entity.
__TIMESTAMPStringTimestamp of the last update to the entity.
__STAMPIntegerVersion stamp for the entity.
IDIntegerIdentifier of the entity.
QuantityIntegerExample attribute, e.g., quantity in an order.
PurchaserObjectExample attribute, e.g., details about the purchaser, using deferred loading.

Combining with Other Parameters

The $queryplan parameter can be combined with other parameters to gain insights into how queries are executed, which can help in optimizing performance:

  • $filter: Apply filters to the dataset to see how they affect the query plan.

  • $orderby: Observe how sorting impacts the execution plan.

  • $top/$limit and $skip: Check the effect of limiting and skipping records on the query execution.

  • $expand: Include related data and see how joining related tables or collections influences the query plan.

  • $attributes: Specify which attributes are included in the query and understand their impact on the query performance.

  • $method: Combine with various method operations to analyze their execution plans.

  • $compute: Evaluate the impact of computations on the query execution.

  • $entityset: Analyze the query plan for operations involving entity sets.

  • $savedfilter: Save and reuse filters to analyze their impact on the query plan.

  • $savedorderby: Save and reuse sorting criteria to analyze their impact on the query plan.

Sample Usage in Postman

How to Use:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /rest/Orders?$filter="Quantity > 4 AND Purchaser.Name = user2"&$queryplan=true

Sample Response

The response structure for the $queryplan endpoint looks something like this in practice:

"__queryPlan": {
"And": [
"item": "Join on Table : Users : Orders.Purchaser = Users.ID",
"subquery": [
"item": "Users.Name === user2"
"item": "Orders.Quantity > 4"
"__extendedQueryPlan": {
"type": "LogicOperatorNode",
"logicOper": "And",
"parts": [
"type": "JoinNode",
"targetTable": "Users",
"instance": 0,
"joinPath": [
"leftTable": "Orders",
"leftField": "Purchaser",
"leftInstance": 0,
"rightTable": "Users",
"rightField": "ID",
"rightInstance": 0
"filter": {
"type": "SeqNode",
"field": "Name",
"table": "Users",
"instance": 0,
"oper": " === ",
"value": "user2"
"type": "SeqNode",
"field": "Quantity",
"table": "Orders",
"instance": 0,
"oper": " > ",
"value": 4
"__DATACLASS": "Orders",
"__entityModel": "Orders",
"__GlobalStamp": 0,
"__COUNT": 1,
"__FIRST": 0,
"__KEY": "20",
"__TIMESTAMP": "2024-05-09T17:01:36.995Z",
"__STAMP": 1,
"ID": 20,
"Quantity": 5,
"Purchaser": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Users[2]",
"__KEY": "2"
"OrderedProduct": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Products[2]",
"__KEY": "2"
"paymentsSelection": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "/rest/Orders[20]/paymentsSelection?$expand=paymentsSelection"
"__SENT": 1