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The $savedfilter endpoint allows you to save the filter defined by $filter when creating an entity set. This ensures that even if the entity set is removed from the server's cache, it can be recreated with the same filter.


To save a filter when creating an entity set, use the following format:

GET /rest/{{dataClass}}?$filter="{{filterExpression}}"&$savedfilter="{{filterExpression}}"&$method=entityset

To retrieve the entity set with the saved filter:

GET /rest/{{dataClass}}/$entityset/{{entitySetID}}?$savedfilter="{{filterExpression}}"

Supported Formats

The $savedfilter parameter accepts a filter expression that matches the one used in $filter.

Detailed Behavior

Using the $savedfilter Parameter

When an entity set is created with a saved filter, the following occurs:

  • The filter is stored with the entity set.

  • If the entity set is removed from the cache, it can be recreated using the saved filter.

  • The new default timeout for the recreated entity set is 10 minutes.

Combining with Other Parameters

The $savedfilter parameter can be combined with other parameters to enhance and secure the filtering of entity sets:

  • $filter: Define the initial filter criteria and save it using $savedfilter for consistency in future requests.

  • $orderby: Combine with $savedorderby to save and apply sorting criteria along with the filter.

  • $top/$limit and $skip: Navigate through the filtered entity set while maintaining the saved filter.

  • $expand: Include related data in the filtered results, ensuring the filter criteria are consistently applied.

  • $attributes: Specify which attributes to include in the filtered results, preserving the filter criteria.

  • $method=entityset: Create an entity set with a saved filter, allowing for consistent retrieval of filtered data.

  • $compute: Apply computations on the filtered dataset while ensuring the filter criteria are maintained.

  • $entityset: Use the saved filter when accessing entity sets to maintain the filtering consistency.

  • $queryplan: Analyze the query plan for the saved filter to understand and optimize its performance.

  • $querypath: Trace the execution path of the query with the saved filter to identify optimization opportunities.

Use Cases

Creating an Entity Set with a Saved Filter

To create an entity set and save the filter:


GET /rest/People?$filter=""&$savedfilter=""&$method=entityset


"__ENTITYSET": "/rest/People/$entityset/CC6B48EDBFD64CD694F8EFBFC93F73FC",
"__DATACLASS": "People",
"__entityModel": "People",
"__GlobalStamp": 0,
"__COUNT": 13,
"__FIRST": 0,
"__ENTITIES": [ ... ],
"__SENT": 13

Retrieving an Entity Set with a Saved Filter

To retrieve the entity set using the saved filter:


GET /rest/People/$entityset/CC6B48EDBFD64CD694F8EFBFC93F73FC?$savedfilter=""


"__DATACLASS": "People",
"__entityModel": "People",
"__GlobalStamp": 0,
"__COUNT": 13,
"__FIRST": 0,
"__ENTITIES": [ ... ],
"__SENT": 13

Recreating an Entity Set After Timeout

If the entity set is removed from the cache due to timeout, it can be recreated with the saved filter:


GET /rest/People/$entityset/CC6B48EDBFD64CD694F8EFBFC93F73FC?$savedfilter=""

Best Practices

  • Always Save Critical Filters: Save important filters to ensure entity sets can be recreated if they are removed from the cache.

  • Monitor Entity Set Usage: Regularly check the status of entity sets and recreate them as needed using saved filters.

  • Combine with $savedorderby: Use $savedorderby along with $savedfilter to maintain consistent ordering when recreating entity sets.

  • Set Appropriate Timeouts: Use the $timeout parameter to control the lifespan of cached entity sets and avoid unintentional deletions.