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A date type attribute, variable or expression can be in the range of 1/1/100 to 12/31/32,767.


In Qodly, a date can be stored in two data types:

  • a date type, expressed in the yyyy-mm-dd format, for example '2023-12-05'
  • an ISO date format string, expressed in the following format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ (e.g., "2023-12-05T23:00:00.000Z" for december 5, 2023 in the Central European Timezone). sss represents the milliseconds and can be between 0 to 999.

You can select the data type for a Date attribute in your model. This page describes the handling of the date type.

Date literals

A date literal constant is enclosed by exclamation marks (!…!). A date must be structured using the ISO format (!YYYY-MM-DD!). Here are some examples of date constants:


A null date is specified by !00-00-00!.


Qodly accepts two-digit years to be entered. A two-digit year is assumed to be in the 20th or 21st century based on whether it is greater or less than 30.

Date operators

Date differenceDate – DateNumber!2023-01-20! - !2023-01-01!19
Day additionDate + NumberDate!2023-01-20! + 9!2023-01-29!
Day subtractionDate – NumberDate!2023-01-20! - 9!2023-01-11!
EqualityDate == DateBoolean!2023-01-01! == !2023-01-01!true
!2023-01-20! == !2023-01-01!false
InequalityDate != DateBoolean!2023-01-20! != !2023-01-01!true
!2023-01-20! != !2023-01-20!false
Greater thanDate >; DateBoolean!2023-01-20! > !2023-01-01!true
!2023-01-20! > !2023-01-20!false
Less thanDate < DateBoolean!2023-01-01! < !2023-01-20!true
!2023-01-20! < !2023-01-20!false
Greater than or equal toDate >;= DateBoolean!2023-01-20! >;= !2023-01-01!true
!2023-01-01!>;= !2023-01-20!false
Less than or equal toDate <= DateBoolean!2023-01-01! <= !2023-01-20!true
!2023-01-20! <= !2023-01-01!false