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A Picture attribute, variable or expression can be any valid image. In general, this includes any picture that can be put on the pasteboard or read from a file.

QodlyScript uses native APIs to encode (write) and decode (read) picture. These implementations provide access to numerous native formats.

QodlyScript supports metadata in pictures. Two commands, setPictureMetadata and getPictureMetadata, let you benefit from metadata in your developments.

Picture Codec IDs

QodlyScript supports natively a set of picture formats. A picture format is defined through a codecID. Several picture management commands can receive a codecID as a parameter.

The following codec IDs are supported:

  • .jpg
  • .png
  • .bmp
  • .gif
  • .tif

.svg and .pdf are supported in picture attributes or variables but cannot be processed by picture management commands or operators.

Picture operators

Horizontal concatenationPict1 + Pict2PictureAdd Pict2 to the right of Pict1
Vertical concatenationPict1 / Pict2PictureAdd Pict2 to the bottom of Pict1
Horizontal movePicture + NumberPictureMove Picture horizontally Number pixels
Vertical movePicture / NumberPictureMove Picture vertically Number pixels
ResizingPicture * NumberPictureResize Picture by Number ratio
Horizontal scalingPicture *+ NumberPictureResize Picture horizontally by Number ratio
Vertical scalingPicture *| NumberPictureResize Picture vertically by Number ratio
Contains keywordPicture % StringBooleanIf the keyword "Mer" is associated with the picture stored in PictureExpr (attribute or variable), then PictureExpr % "Mer" is true
  • In order to use the | operator, Pict1 and Pict2 must have exactly the same dimension. If both pictures are a different size, the operation Pict1 | Pict2 produces a blank picture.
  • The combinePictures command can be used to superimpose pictures while keeping the characteristics of each source picture in the resulting picture.
  • Additional operations can be performed on pictures using the transformPicture command.
  • There is no comparison operators on pictures, however QodlyScript proposes the equalPictures command to compare two pictures.


Horizontal concatenation

 circle+rectangle //Place the rectangle to the right of the circle
rectangle+circle //Place the circle to the right of the rectangle

Vertical concatenation

 circle/rectangle //Place the rectangle under the circle
rectangle/circle //Place the circle under the rectangle

Exclusive superimposition

Pict3 = Pict1 & Pict2 // Superimposes Pict2 on top of  Pict1

Inclusive superimposition

Pict3 = Pict1|Pict2 // Recovers resulting mask from superimposing two pictures of the same size

Horizontal move

rectangle+50 //Move the rectangle 50 pixels to the right
rectangle-50 //Move the rectangle 50 pixels to the left

Vertical move

rectangle/50 //Move the rectangle down by 50 pixels
rectangle/-20 //Move the rectangle up by 20 pixels


rectangle*1.5 //The rectangle becomes 50% bigger
rectangle*0.5 //The rectangle becomes 50% smaller

Horizontal scaling

circle*+3 //The circle becomes 3 times wider
circle*+0.25 //The circle's width becomes a quarter of what it was

Vertical scaling

circle*|2 //The circle becomes twice as tall
circle*|0.25 //The circle's height becomes a quarter of what it was