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A string (or text) value is an attribute, variable, or expression that may contain from 0 to 2 GB of text.


A string literal is enclosed in double, straight quotation marks ("..."). Here are some examples of string literals:

"Add Profile"
"No entities found."

An empty string is specified by two quotation marks with nothing between them ("").

Escape sequences

The QodlyScript language allows you to use escape sequences (also called escape characters). An escape sequence is a sequence of characters that can be used to replace a "special" character.

The sequence consists of a backslash \, followed by a character. For instance, \t is an escape sequence for the Tab character. Escape sequences facilitate the entry of special characters: the previous example (\t) replaces the code entry character(Tab).

In QodlyScript, the following escape sequences can be used:

Escape sequenceCharacter replaced
\nLF (Line feed)
\tHT (Tab)
\rCR (Carriage return)
\\\ (Backslash)
\"" (Quotation marks)

It is possible to use either upper or lower case in escape sequences.

In the following example, the Carriage return character (escape sequence \r) is inserted in a statement in order to obtain a message on two lines:

myDoc.setMessage("The operation has been completed successfully.\rYou may now disconnect.")

String operators

ConcatenationString + StringString"abc" + "def""abcdef"
RepetitionString * NumberString"ab" * 3"ababab"
EqualityString == StringBoolean"abc" == "abc"True
"abc" == "abd"False
InequalityString != StringBoolean"abc" != "abd"True
"abc" != "abc"False
Greater thanString >; StringBoolean"abd" > "abc"True
"abc" > "abc"False
Less thanString < StringBoolean"abc" < "abd"True
"abc" < "abc"False
Greater than or equal toString >;= StringBoolean"abd" >;= "abc"True
"abc" >;= "abd"False
Less than or equal toString <= StringBoolean"abc" <= "abd"True
"abd" <= "abc"False
Contains keywordString % StringBoolean"Alpha Bravo" % "Bravo"True
"Alpha Bravo" % "ravo"False

String comparisons

  • Strings are compared on a character-by-character basis (except in the case of searching by keywords, see below).
  • When strings are compared, the case of the characters is ignored; thus, "a" == "A" returns true.
  • When strings are compared, diacritical characters are ignored. For example, the following expressions return true:
     "n" == "ñ"
"n" == "Ñ"
"A" == "å"
// and so on

To test if the case of two characters is different or to take diacritical characters into account, compare their character codes. For example, the following expression returns false:

characterCode("A") == characterCode("a") // false because 65 is not equal to 97

Wilcard character (@)

The QodlyScript supports @ as a wildcard character. This character can be used in any string comparison to match any number of characters. For example, the following expression is true:

	"abcdefghij" == "abc@" //true

The wildcard character must be used within the second operand (the string on the right side) in order to match any number of characters. The following expression is false, because the @ is considered only as one character in the first operand:

    "abc@" == "abcdefghij" //false

The wildcard means "one or more characters or nothing". The following expressions are true:

     "abcdefghij" == "abcdefghij@" //true
"abcdefghij" == "@abcdefghij" //true
"abcdefghij" == "abcd@efghij" //true
"abcdefghij" == "@abcdefghij@"//true
"abcdefghij" == "@abcde@fghij@"//true

On the other hand, whatever the case, a string comparison with two consecutive wildcards will always return false:

	"abcdefghij" == "abc@@fg" //false

When the comparison operator is or contains a < or > symbol, only comparison with a single wildcard located at the end of the operand is supported:

     "abcd"  <= "abc@" // Valid comparison
"abcd" <= "abc@ef" //Not a valid comparison

If you want to execute comparisons or queries using @ as a character (and not as a wildcard), you need to use the characterCode(At sign) instruction. Imagine, for example, that you want to know if a string ends with the @ character. The following expression (if vsValue is not empty) is always true:

(vsValue[[length(vsValue)]] == "@") //always true

The following expression will be evaluated correctly:

(characterCode(vsValue[[length(vsValue)]]) != 64)  


Unlike other string comparisons, searching by keywords looks for "words" in "texts": words are considered both individually and as a whole. The % operator always returns false if the query concerns several words or only part of a word (for example, a syllable). The "words" are character strings surrounded by "separators", which are spaces, punctuation characters, and dashes. An apostrophe, like in "Today's", is usually considered as part of the word, but will be ignored in certain cases (see the rules below). Numbers can be searched for because they are evaluated as a whole (including decimal symbols). Other symbols (currency, temperature, and so on) will be ignored.

     "Alpha Bravo Charlie"%"Bravo" // true
"Alpha Bravo Charlie"%"vo" // false
"Alpha Bravo Charlie"%"Alpha Bravo" // false
"Alpha,Bravo,Charlie"%"Alpha" // true
"Software and Computers"%"comput@" // true

QodlyScript uses the ICU library for comparing strings (using <>== != operators) and detecting keywords. For more information about the rules implemented, please refer to the following address:

String functions

QodlyScript provides several functions such as replaceString or substring to handle string values.

Character Reference Symbols

The character reference symbols: [[...]]

These symbols are used to refer to a single character within a string. This syntax allows you to individually address the characters of a text variable or attribute.

If the character reference symbols appear on the left side of the assignment operator (=), a character is assigned to the referenced position in the string. For example, the following line sets the first character of vsName to uppercase:

var vsName : string
vsName = "hello"
if(vsName != "")
vsName[[1]] = uppercase(vsName[[1]])

Otherwise, if the character reference symbols appear within an expression, they return the character (to which they refer) as a 1-character string. For example:

//The following example tests if the last character of vtText is an At sign "@"
if(vtText != "")
if(characterCode(substring(vtText,length(vtText),1)) == At sign)
  //Using the character reference syntax, you would write in a simpler manner:
if(vtText != "")
if(characterCode(vtText[[length(vtText)]]) == At sign)
// ...


The following method capitalizes the first character of each word of the text received as parameter and returns the resulting capitalized text:

  //Capitalize_text ( Source text ) -> Capitalized text

declare (source : string) -> capitalized : string
var vlLen,vlChar : integer
capitalized = source
vlLen = length(capitalized)
capitalized[[1]] = uppercase(capitalized[[1]])
if(position(capitalized[[vlChar]]," !&()-{}:;<>?/,. = +*")>0)
capitalized[[vlChar+1]] = uppercase(capitalized[[vlChar+1]])

For example, the line:

var cap : string
cap = Capitalize_text("hello, my name is jane doe and i'm running for president!")
//cap: "Hello, My Name Is Jane Doe And I'm Running For President!"