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A Time attribute, variable or expression can be in the range of 00:00:00 to 596,000:00:00.


In Qodly models, time attributes have the type Duration.

Times are in 24-hour format.

A time value can be treated as a number. The number returned from a time is the number of seconds since midnight (00:00:00) that time represents.

Time literals

A time literal constant is enclosed by question marks (?...?).

A time literal constant is ordered hour:minute:second, with a colon (:) setting off each part. Times are specified in 24-hour format.

Here are some examples of time literals:

?00:00:00? ` midnight
?09:30:00? ` 9:30 am
?13:01:59? ` 1 pm, 1 minute, and 59 seconds

A null time is specified by ?00:00:00?

Time operators

AdditionTime + TimeTime?02:03:04? + ?01:02:03??03:05:07?
SubtractionTime – TimeTime?02:03:04? – ?01:02:03??01:01:01?
AdditionTime + NumberNumber?02:03:04? + 657449
SubtractionTime – NumberNumber?02:03:04? – 657319
MultiplicationTime * NumberNumber?02:03:04? * 214768
DivisionTime / NumberNumber?02:03:04? / 23692
Longint divisionTime \ NumberNumber?02:03:04? \ 23692
ModuloTime % TimeTime?20:10:00? % ?04:20:00??02:50:00?
ModuloTime % NumberNumber?02:03:04? % 20
EqualityTime == TimeBoolean?01:02:03? == ?01:02:03?True
?01:02:03? == ?01:02:04?False
InequalityTime != TimeBoolean?01:02:03? != ?01:02:04?True
?01:02:03? != ?01:02:03?False
Greater thanTime >; TimeBoolean?01:02:04? > ?01:02:03?True
?01:02:03? > ?01:02:03?False
Less thanTime < TimeBoolean?01:02:03? < ?01:02:04?True
?01:02:03? < ?01:02:03?False
Greater than or equal toTime >;= TimeBoolean?01:02:03? >;= ?01:02:03?True
?01:02:03? >;= ?01:02:04?False
Less than or equal toTime <= TimeBoolean?01:02:03? <= ?01:02:03?True
?01:02:04? <= ?01:02:03?False

Example 1

To obtain a time expression from an expression that combines a time expression with a number, use the commands Time and Time string.

You can combine expressions of the time and number types using the time or currentTime commands:

	//The following line assigns to vlSeconds the number of seconds   
//that will be elapsed between midnight and one hour from now
var vlSeconds, vhSoon : time
vlSeconds = currentTime+3600
//The following line assigns to $vHSoon the time it will be in one hour
vhSoon = time(currentTime+3600)

The second line could be written in a simpler way:

  // The following line assigns to vHSoon the time it will be in one hour
vhSoon = currentTime+?01:00:00?

Example 2

The Modulo operator (%) can be used, more specifically, to add times that take the 24-hour format into account:

t1 = ?23:00:00? // It is 23:00 hours
// We want to add 2 and a half hours
t2 = t1+?02:30:00? // With a simple addition, t2 is ?25:30:00?
t2 = (t1+?02:30:00?)%?24:00:00? // t2 is ?01:30:00? and it is 1:30 hour the next morning