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characterCode ( character : string ) : integer

characterstringCharacter for which you want to get the code
ResultintegerCharacter code


The characterCode command returns the Unicode UTF-16 code (included between 1 and 65535) of character.

If there is more than one character in the string, characterCode returns only the code of the first character.

The char function is the counterpart of characterCode. It returns the character that the UTF-16 code represents.

Example 1

Uppercase and lowercase characters are considered equal within a comparison. You can use characterCode to differentiate between uppercase and lowercase characters. Thus, this line returns true:

 ("A" == "a") //true

On the other hand, this line returns False:

 (characterCode("A") == characterCode("a")) //false

Example 2

This example returns the code of the first character of the string "ABC":

 var getCode : integer
getCode = characterCode("ABC") //GetCode gets 65, the characterCode of A

Example 3

The following example tests for carriage returns and tabs:

 var vlChar, vlCode  : integer
var vtText : string
vlCode = characterCode(vtText[[vlChar]])
:(vlCode == Carriage return)
//do something
:(vlCode == Tab)
//do something else

See also

Character Reference Symbols