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generateDigest ( param : any , algorithm : integer {, *}) : string

paramanyblob or string for which to get digest key
algorithmintegerAlgorithm used to return key: 0 = kMD5Digest, 1 = kSHA1Digest, 3 = kSHA256Digest, 4 = kSHA512Digest
*Encode digest in Base64URL
ResultstringValue of digest key


The generateDigest command returns the digest key of a blob or string after application of an encryption algorithm.

Pass a string or blob variable in the param parameter. The generateDigest function returns the digest key as a string.

In the algorithm parameter, pass a value designating which hash function to use. Use one of the following constants, found in the Digest Type theme:

k4DRESTDigest2Internal algorithm of Qodly.
kMD5Digest0Message Digest 5 algorithm. A series of 128 bits returned as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters.
kSHA1Digest1Secure Hash 1 algorithm. A series of 160 bits returned as a string of 40 hexadecimal characters.
kSHA256Digest3(SHA-2 family) SHA-256 is a series of 256 bits returned as a string of 64 hexadecimal characters.
kSHA512Digest4(SHA-2 family) SHA-512 is a series of 512 bits returned as a string of 128 hexadecimal characters.

It is not recommended to use MD5 and SHA algorithms to handle passwords; if you need to check passwords, you are advised to use generatePasswordHash and verifyPasswordHash commands.

By default if the * parameter is omitted, the returned digest is encoded in hexadecimal. Pass the * parameter if you want it to be encoded in Base64URL.

The value returned for the same object is the same on all the platforms (macOS/Windows). The calculation is performed based on the representation in UTF-8 of the string passed in the parameter.


If you use the command with an empty string/blob, it does not return void but a string value (for example "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" for MD5).


These examples illustrate how to retrieve the digest key of a string:

 var key1, key2 : string
key1 = generateDigest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",kMD5Digest)
// key1 is "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0"
key2 = generateDigest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",kSHA1Digest)
// key2 is "408d94384216f890ff7a0c3528e8bed1e0b01621"

See also
