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getProcessActivity: object

Resultobject<-Snapshot of running processes


The getProcessActivity command returns a snapshot of running processes at a given time. This command returns all processes, including internal processes that are not reachable by the processProperties command.

Example of returned object:

"processes": [
"name": "Application process",
"sessionID": "3C81A8D7AFE64C2E9CCFFCDC35DC52F5",
"number": 4,
"ID": 4,
"visible": true,
"systemID": "123145476132864",
"type": -18,
"state": 0,
"cpuUsage": 0,
"cpuTime": 0.006769,
"preemptive": false


The "processes" property contains a collection of objects describing all running processes on the server. Each process object contains the following properties:

Property nameTypeDescription
namestringProcess name
sessionIDstringSession UUID
numberintegerProcess number
IDintegerProcess unique ID
visiblebooleantrue if visible, false otherwise
systemIDstringID for the user process, Qodly process or spare process
typeintegerRunning process type.
  • kHTTPLogFlusher (-58)
  • kMainProcess (-39)
  • kClientManagerProcess (-31)
  • kCompilerProcess (-29)
  • kMonitorProcess (-26)
  • kInternalTimerProcess (-25)
  • kLogFileProcess (-20)
  • kBackup process (-19)
  • kInternalProcess (-18)
  • kOnExitProcess (-16)
  • kWebServerProcess (-13)
  • kOtherProcess (-10)
  • kEventManager (-8)
  • kIndexingProcess (-5)
  • kCacheManager (-4)
  • kWebProcessWithNoContext (-3)
  • kDesignProcess (-2)
  • kNone (0)
  • kWorkerProcess (5)
  • stateintegerCurrent status (see processState constant list)
    cpuUsagenumberPercentage of time devoted to this process (between 0 and 1)
    cpuTimenumberRunning time (seconds)
    preemptivebooleanalways true
    urlstringURL with path and parameters (if any) of the web (-3) processes running on the web server. Not returned for other types of processes.