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Version: 1.1.0


methodCalledOnError( { scope : integer } ) : string

scopeintegerScope of the error method
resultstringName of method called on error


The methodCalledOnError command returns the name of the method installed by onErrCall for the current process or the defined scope.

In the scope parameter, pass the execution context for which you want to get the name of the error handler method. You can use one of the following constants:

kErrorsFromComponents2Errors that occurred in components
kGlobal1Errors that occurred in the global execution context of the project
kLocal0Errors that occurred in the local execution context (default if scope parameter is omitted)

If no method has been installed for the scope, an empty string ("") is returned.


 var methCurrent, refs : string
methCurrent = methodCalledOnError
//If the file cannot be opened, an error is generated
refs = jsonParse(file("/PACKAGE/Project/Sources/Shared/assets/files/i18n.json").getText())
//Reinstallation of previous method

See also
