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Version: 1.1.0


newSharedObject {( property : string , value : any {, : string , ...value : any} ) } : object

propertystringName of property to create
valueinteger, number, string, date, time, boolean, object, collection, pictureValue of property
ResultobjectNew shared object


The newSharedObject command creates a new empty or prefilled shared object and returns its reference. Adding or editing a property to this object must be surrounded by the use...end structure, otherwise an error is generated. Reading a property without a use...end structure is, however, possible. For more information, see the Shared objects and shared collections page.

If you do not pass any parameters, newSharedObject creates an empty object and returns its reference.

Optionally, you can prefill the new object by passing one or several property/value pairs as parameters:

  • In the property parameter, pass the label of the property to be created (up to 255 characters). Note that the property parameter is case sensitive and must comply with Qodly rules for property names.
  • In the value parameter, pass the value you want to set for the property. Shared objects can only contain values of the following types:
    • number (all numeric values are stored as numbers)
    • string
    • boolean
    • date
    • time (stored as number of milliseconds)
    • null
    • shared object
    • shared collection

Unlike standard (not shared) objects, shared objects do not support pictures and objects or collections that are not shared.

Example 1

var contact : object
contact = newSharedObject("name","Smith","firstname","John")

Example 2

var s_obj : object
s_obj = newSharedObject("prop1","alpha")
s_obj.prop1 = "omega"

See also
