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splitString ( stringToSplit : string , separator : string {, options : integer }) : collection

stringToSplitstring->String value
separatorstring->String at which stringToSplit splits. If empty string (""), each character of stringToSplit is a substring
optionsinteger->Option(s) regarding empty strings and spaces
Resultcollection<-Collection of substrings


The splitString command returns a collection of strings, created by splitting stringToSplit into substrings at the boundaries specified by the separator parameter. The substrings in the returned collection do not include separator itself.

If no separator is found in stringToSplit, splitString returns a collection containing a single element, stringToSplit. If you passed an empty string in separator, splitString returns a collection of each character of stringToSplit.

In the options parameter, you can pass one or a combination of the following constants:

kIgnoreEmptyStringsRemove empty strings from the resulting collection (they are ignored)
kTrimSpacesTrim space characters at the beginning and end of substrings

Example 1

 var myText : string
var myCol : collection
col = newCollection

myText = "John,Doe,120 jefferson st.,Riverside,, NJ, 08075"
myCol = splitString(myText,",") //["John","Doe","120 jefferson st.","Riverside",""," NJ"," 08075"]
myCol = splitString(myText,",",kIgnoreEmptyStrings) //["John","Doe","120 jefferson st.","Riverside"," NJ"," 08075"]
myCol = splitString(myText,",",kIgnoreEmptyStrings+kTrimSpaces) //["John","Doe","120 jefferson st.","Riverside","NJ","08075"]

Example 2

The separator parameter can be a multiple-character string:

 var myText : string
var myCol : collection
myText = "Name<tab>Smith<tab>age<tab>40"
myCol = splitString(myText,"<tab>")
//myCol = ["Name","Smith","age","40"]

See also
