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Version: 1.1.0


webServerList : collection

ResultcollectionCollection of the available Web Server objects

The webServerList command returns a collection of all Web server objects available in the Qodly application.

A Qodly application can contain anywhere from one to several Web servers:

  • 1 Web server for the host database (default Web server)
  • 1 Web server for each component.

All available Web servers are returned by the webServerList command, whether they are actually running or not.


The default Web server object is automatically loaded by Qodly at startup. On the other hand, each component Web server that you want to use must be instantiated using the webServer command.

You can use the name property of the Web server object to identify the database or component to which each Web server object in the list is attached. For a detailed description of the Web server object, please refer to the webServer command.


We want to know how many running web servers are available:

 var wSList : collection
var vRun : integer
var result : string

wSList = webServerList
vRun = wSList.countValues(True,"isRunning")
result = string(vRun)+" web server(s) running on "+string(wSList.length)+" available."