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1.0.0 - beta.2


Qodly Studio

What's New

  • Image component: default image for missing qodlysource picture attributes.
  • Standard action: reset to make qodlysource go back to its initial value.
  • New clear button for unused CSS classes and qodlysource.
  • Support of drag and drop of an image from the shared folder to the background image in the properties panel.
  • Allow Qodly Developers to easily preview their files without opening lot of tabs at the same time.
  • Add a read-only property to slider/range input.
  • Support variadic functions
  • New "Tabs preview mode"
  • Handling of double-click events in datatable component.
  • Implemented a loading bar display during REST API calls.
  • Integrated support for "hh:mm" for the "duration" type input.
  • Introduced the "text area" type for input in the Text Input component.
  • Extended support for the "duration" type for input in some components.
  • Added a "Show Documentation" redirection link to the documentation in the Code Editor tips.


  • Renamed standard actions to make them more consistent with ORDA concepts.
  • When the format category (String, Number, Date, Duration) is changed, the entered format is still displayed.
  • Enhanced Qodly Studio Speed by using CDNs.
  • Improved user experience for the "duration" type in the Text Input component with a more user-friendly widget.
  • Disabled the Stylebox width property when the parent is a Select Box.

Bug Fixes

Click to display the bug fix list
  • Matrix pictures are not properly refreshed.
  • Text input value does not reset properly.
  • Matrix - in the preview mode the Matrix is empty when the Text component is bound with two qodlysources or More.
  • Image component - No default image is displayed.
  • Delete unused elements - Typo on the tooltip + popup.
  • Initial value of a qodlysource of type object not well controlled.
  • Text input - the input type duration doesn't display the right value.
  • When selecting a property like center ex: background Position, the text appears in the unit section.
  • Model Editor - if the text editor tab is already opened the function is not added to the class content.
  • The gap between the icon and the text is not clickable (craft component).
  • Sanity check - button is bound with a not existing css Class (bg-green-500).
  • The initial value doesn't appear if the name of qodlysource is "ds".
  • Craft component - the hover background color in the menu for edit and delete is not displayed and the name of the craft component stays displayed.
  • Model Editor - we cannot select the type of the function at the creation step.
  • Sanity check - the close button doesn't have the hover effect and the clear button is too close to the button.
  • The background CSS classes are not applicable to the button component (themes).
  • Edit datastore functions do not work when the code editor tab is already opened.
  • Matrix does not auto-scroll to the selected element.
  • Range input component value on edition mode is different from rendering mode.
  • Cannot DnD qodlysource on range input.
  • The tab title is incorrect (after removing the second tab).
  • After removing a tab we lose the focus so the contents of the next tab don't appear.
  • Text input display shifts accroding to input'stype.
  • The helper tips should disappear if we remove the focus from them.
  • box-shadow shouldn't appear if the select input list is empty.
  • Code editor - The error messages in the code editor for the classes are not visible.
  • Helper tips - the helper tips should disappear if we remove the focus from them.
  • Duration - Input text - When we click inside the text input, the value incremented of an hour.
  • Duration type - The duration is not sent properly to the server.
  • Renderer - Rendering an engined application returns a 404 error.
  • Min and max value properties have a default value of 0 after modification.
  • Datassources - we can't inspect local/shared qodlysources.
  • Model - we cannot open the model after editing it in editor text.
  • qodlysource - can't change the initial value from none to all.
  • When you inspect an attribute from an Entity or Selection, it will inspect the same attribute for the entities/selection from the same type.
  • Model editor - min and max value properties have a default value of 0 after modification.
  • Page - the font size doesn't apply on components inside a Page in the airy mode.
  • Model Editor - cannot create an attribute with the same name as a recently deleted attribute.
  • Datatable - Related entity attribute is not displayed.
  • Editing Filled track in a fixed value of the Range Input by dragging it.
  • "Invalid date" when typing anything in a text input component with type "text" and format "date short".
  • Invalid default name when we try to create craft item.
  • When we hover over the helper tips icon the window starts flickering.
  • Edit server side ref should be focused automatically.
  • Selectbox - the selectbox crash.
  • Impossible to delete a blank expression in debugger.
  • Reset value popup text should be in the same line.
  • Changes in the parameter (from qodlysource to hardcoded value or the inverse) not saved after collapsing a function event.
  • Functions of not exposed dataclasses should not appear in the events panel.
  • Array/Matrix not displaying the collection content.
  • Depth shouldn't appear in info of DS of type scalar.
  • A snackbar with a message should appear in preview mode when we use navigation pageLoader (self).
  • Model Editor - the relation doesn't appear after deleting the selection.
  • Onfocusing a date input causes shifting.
  • Events - Failure feedback doesn't appear in refresh standard action.
  • Settings - the naming conventions are not applied to the created Page.
  • Query with date.
  • Background color of namespace is not correct (function events).
  • Computed attributes are not proposed for Alias creation in Model.
  • Reloading entity selection not working.
  • Some original infos not displayed when onloading the page.
  • The Pages are created with touched flag.
  • Reloading model does not refresh function list.
  • the cursor is not pointed to the right line when we use the preview Button.
  • The format of date not appeared when binding a text component in a nested matrix.
  • Select time is not the saved one.
  • When selecting a dataclass attribute, the scope property select style is not consistent with the other selects style.
  • the permissions select border should be purple.
  • the purple border should appear on text input and text area focus.
  • the border doesn't appear when opening the select.
  • The focus border color is blue, it should be purple (model editor panel color).
  • qodlysources - On change on a qodlysource is called several times.
  • Properties panel - Reset value functionality is missing or not working for some properties.
  • Orphan entity attribute not refreshed in Page loader renderering
  • Data not reloaded after clearing the select box.
  • The save changes popup appears after deleting a Page that is not saved.
  • The auto value in width appears as an error in DataTable columns.
  • Matrix - The selected element is not taken into account when copied from another qodlysource.
  • Datatable not taking full width in tab.
  • Explorer - icons appear when renaming folders.
  • Explorer - the options menu jumps to the top.
  • Explorer - file name already exist when we clear the input (Pages - methods - classes).
  • Another namespace is created when typing the first letters while creating a DS from the catalog (using the keyboard cursor).
  • Contextual Panel - The 'Collapse All' button in the Actions section should automatically switch to 'Expand All' if all the actions are already collapsed same for the 'Expand All'.
  • Changes Made in the Role and Privilege Editor Not Synchronized with JSON Representation in the Text Editor.
  • Datatable Text-Align Property Behavior and Reset Value Inconsistency.
  • Formats - Date format - Days and months not translated.
  • Text input with null number data.
  • We can d&d components in search input.
  • the search icon in model editor should have the same size as the other search icons (explorer for example).
  • The Label Position Left property is not highlighted for some components.
  • label icon, position and server side ref are not aligned with others.
  • Cannot format duration as HH:mm or hh:mm.
  • we can create CSS classes that resemble Tailwind CSS from property panel (which create a problem in Qodly studio style).
  • qodlysources - some menus are not updated with the new Qodly aesthetics.
  • Cannot open Roles.json file from recent files.
  • Standard action - Provide feedback not appropriated for permission errors.
  • the column doesn't take the right width when we use the % unit (DataTable).
  • qodlysource event - On change event triggered too many times.
  • Text Editor Unavailability After Corrupting JSON Representation.
  • a black border appears in the explorer when we click in keyboard button.
  • File Upload : We can't upload image in blob type.
  • Standard action - Copy impossible for a collection in an object attribute of an entity.
  • change the width of the Matrix using % affects the stylebox inside.
  • the highlight of inspection persists after deleting the qodlysource.
  • The airy mode is not enabled by default in the Pages.
  • New picture is not saved after uploading a file picture.
  • Color border property input doesn't appear properly.
  • The hardcoded value disappears from the function event.
  • code editor - the first line can be edited or replaced.
  • Standard actions - Clear action does not reset related entity.
  • Search output of a selectbox is not stable.
  • the matrix component triggers the touched flag in the Page when resizing the contextual panel.
  • Studio - Tabs touched state is persistent after save
  • Copying entities through links not working.
  • the data doesn't appear in dataTable.
  • Duration - A duration sent to the server in ms is returned by the server is seconds.
  • Duration type - Update a duration on the server does not work.
  • Datatable - the datatable expands infinitely.
  • The duration value will be multiplicated by 1000 after a reload event.
  • Cannot set pointer cursor on my matrix.
  • Shared qodlysource - The qodlysource is reloaded with its initial value at each navigation event in a Page Loader.
  • The sorting arrow is visible even if we don't have a source.
  • Contextual panel - the name of the function should be limited in the function drop down.
  • Model editor - white color when we hover over the dataclasses and attributes icons.
  • Text component - the value of qodlysource type boolean doesn't appear.
  • Error appears when duplicate a Page.
  • Image - the color section of the image properties is missing.
  • Should not display privileges panel after adding+canceling a role.
  • Namespace in info doesn't appear properly.
  • Select Box - Double click in the arrow shifts the layout of Qodly Studio.
  • WebEvent “onCellClick” does not register in blank cell.
  • the edit properties block disappears in the contextual menu when we modify the name of the qodlysource.
  • The Page stays open even if we delete it.
  • the preview area message should be updated in events.
  • Column sorting in datatable bound with collection.
  • the value of an attribute of an entity doesn't appear even if the initial value is First.
  • Style library - the style edit and preview are in the wrong colors.
  • The reset value button doesn't have a background.
  • The Page loader is not working after clearing and resetting the value.
  • Tabs component - Page Loaders are not displayed.
  • Settings - the settings tab is stuck on reload.
  • roles and privilegess: remove icons are not the same.
  • Matrix - Width of 25% for the style box fails with resolution < 1920 1080 but also when the resolution shifts to 1920 1080.
  • Formats - Durations are not considered as duration but as a time

Qodly Server

What's New

  • Editing mode in the Data Explorer.
  • Introduction of the collection.multiSort() function.
  • Support for assigning file references to picture/blob attributes in ORDA.
  • Capability to initialize the variable's value and data type in the declaration line.
  • New syntax for declaring variadic parameters.
  • New Try(expression) keyword to handle simple error cases.
  • New httpParseMessage command.


  • Integrated documentation for date and time formats.

Qodly Cloud

What's New

  • Sleep Mode for Your Sandbox: In our ongoing efforts to enhance resource efficiency, we introduce a new "Sleep Mode" feature for your sandbox environment. See this page for more information.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we implement these enhancements!