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Qodly Studio

Do I need specific expertise in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to use Qodly Studio?

No, Qodly Studio offers an experience of intuitive and visual web development that does not require any expertise of web technologies.

Is Qodly Studio supported on all Web browsers?

See the requirements list here.

Qodly Cloud

Why is there only a sandbox category?

Other categories (applications and shared applications) will be open after the Beta phase.

Where are stored my data?

Your data are stored on AWS (Amazon Cloud).

Qodly Server

Can I install a local instance of Qodly Server?

No, Qodly Server is only proposed a a cloud service.


What's the difference between cs and ds?

cs is the Class Store object, containing all classes of the current project:

  • user classes (e.g. cs.MyUserClass)
  • datastore classes (e.g. cs.People, cs.PeopleEntity, etc.).

It is used for:

  • declaration of both user class and datastore class object variables
  • instantiation of user class objects.

ds is a shortcut to the main DataStore object, providing access to the ORDA model and data object instances. It is a kind of singleton, used for instantiation of datastore objects. Datastore objects are instantiated and managed by ORDA and cannot be handled through the cs Class Store.

//declare an object variable of class cs.myClass
var myInstance : cs.myClass
//declare two datastore object variables of class cs.PeopleEntity
var myEntity,myNewEntity : cs.PeopleEntity

//create a new instance of myClass class and put it in the variable
myInstance =
//create a new instance of People dataclass (i.e. a blank entity) and put it in the variable
myNewEntity =
//put an instance of People dataclass (i.e. an entity) in the variable
myEntity = ds.People.get(167)


Can I use Qodly to build public web sites?

Qodly is rather designed to build business applications with a web interface. All users need to be logged.