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equalPictures ( picture1 : picture, picture2 : picture, mask : picture ) : boolean

picture1picture->Original source picture
picture2picture->Picture to compare
maskpicture<-Resulting mask
Resultboolean<-True if both pictures are identical; otherwise, False


The equalPictures command precisely compares both the dimensions and the contents of two pictures.

Pass the source picture in picture1 and the picture you want to compare with it in picture2.

  • If the pictures are not the same dimension, the command returns False and the mask parameter contains a blank picture.
  • If the pictures are of the same dimension but with different contents, the command returns False and the mask parameter contains the resulting picture mask based on a comparison of the two pictures. This comparison is performed pixel by pixel, and each pixel that does not match appears white on a black background.
  • If both pictures are exactly the same, the command returns True and the mask parameter contains a picture that is completely black.